Continuation... rained very heavily...and then..we hiked up onli 3/4 way..then Joanne slipped..Sprained her ankle and had difficulty walking...then..slowly we made our way up and waited for those left behind...then, we rested and made our way down..a few other people fell down too..Hidayat fell and an upright root scratched his abdomen..It bled and i got a bit worried when i saw the blood stains on his shirt...Joanne fell, Dee fell and i hellped her up and down...when we reached the 3/4 mark, me and Dee were last...But when we went down, i was the first..cause i was gripping her hand and asking her to follow my footsteps down the Mt..With her injured ankle and asthma, she proved herself more than i did...I was really proud of her even though i didnT know her before...Since that day, i became closer to those who i helped and helped me...I had difficulty going down as the rain was intefering with my vision..It rained so hard i canT see the path the rangers and facilitator took that i had to shout out for Rod - our facilitator - to wait as not onli me was lagging but those after Dee and me were so much far behind...
There were leeches stuck to necks, abdomen, legs, and other parts of the body..Luckily, i didnT get any stuck to my body...
I started to wear out a bit...but then, we walked all the way back to the resort...on foot!!!haizz...but after that, i was proud of myself that i didnT just sit and watch those injured being left alone with no one to help them...i had initiated and helped Dee out...
Actually, throughout the whole hike, i was thinnking if sumone...i had wanted to have sumone to complain to and have sumone comfort me and He popped into my mind...
When we got back to the resort, and had dinner and everything, i had the urge..very deep urge to just msg Him....I think i was getting used to the idea of him sayang and him comforting i had never had the chance of expressing my views, opinions, thoughts, and feelings out loud...
Alas, i forgot to activate my autoroam....but nvm, i had anticipated 3 days...
2nd day i probably write tmr or tuesday or smth k......